The child-rearing practices of a Latin American migrant mother are influenced by the precarious subsistence spaces of migrant groups in Chile and by the existence of a dominant public policy of childcare and health that homogenizes the upbringing of children, making their culture and heterogeneity invisible. From a Latin American perspective, this article aims to open the discussion on a phenomenon that encom¬passes the relationship between women-mothers-migrants and care-raising practices from the perspective of a “subaltern and border thinking”. This paper addresses the discrimination and subjection of the woman-mother-migrant because of their belonging to groups situated in a position of subordination that limits their ability to address the practices of caring for their children from health-well-being from their cultural universe. From a theoretical reflection based on the theoretical assumptions of intersectionality, the imbricated networks based on gender, ethnicity-race and class that establish unequal relations between the health system and migrant mothers and that explain the dismissal of their cultural practices and living conditions in parenting practice in Chile.
Castillo-Lobos, L. . (2022). Child-rearing practices of Latin American migrant mothers in Chile: dialectical or rhetorical process of multicultural integration?. Revista Chilena De Salud Pública, 26(1), p. 78–89.