The HIV/AIDS epidemics is spreading worldwide alarmingly; 9 out of 10 people having acquired the virus ignore they are infected, and thus continue practicing unsafe sex and perpetuating contagion.
The purpose of this study is to elicit a discussion on the ethical and legal aspects of the use of rapid HIV/AIDS diagnosis home testing in Latin America.
Currently, rapid HIV/AIDS diagnosis home testing is soon to be implemented in Latin America, being of great use to impede the disease expansion. Such tests are more attractive, by virtue of their rapidity to provide results and the atmosphere of preserved privacy they generate, nevertheless, their availability in pharmacies constitutes a risk resulting from the lack of pre and post testing counseling, and because they are likely to be used without the proper consent.
Although the implementation of such techniques provides the hope of stopping the spread of the infection, because it promotes self-assessment and thus the awareness of the self-sexologic status, it also entails ethical and legal considerations that should lead us to reflection. The latter might ensure that no harm results from the genuine intention to provide a benefit, since it is necessary to prepare a scenario in which human rights respect prevail, in such a manner that the introduction of these testings becomes an efficient tool against HIV/AIDS.