Recruitment of agents for the center of government in right-wing governments in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Peru: a comparative analysis



This work analyzes the recruitment patterns of agents for the center of government (CoG) in right-wing governments in: Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, and Peru. We study the way in which the CoG is organized in each country and we seek to identify whether there are any changes in the nomination patterns of this type of agents based on the ideology of the government studied. The cases studied have similarities and differences, highlighting the different levels of institutionalization of the party system and the different levels of electoral strength of their right-wing parties. With information from 150 appointments in the four countries, we developed a descriptive analysis of the main characteristics of these agents. We find that the institutionalization of the party system plays a relevant role in the presence of independents and technocrats in the CoG, although it is difficult to draw conclusions from the ideological dimension of the governments.


Center of government (CoG), Right-wing parties, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Peru

Author Biography

Hugo Jofré, Universidad San Sebastián

Profesor Asistente, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile. Magíster en políticas públicas y administrador público, Universidad de Chile. Presidente Asociación Chilena de Ciencia Política (ACCP).


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