Women's right to a life free of violence. Regional and Chilean comparison based on reports to the MESECVI



This article carries out an evaluation of the State of progress and compliance of Chile with the obligations contracted within the framework of the Convention of Belém do Pará, carrying out a joint review of the regional situation. The data analyzed includes Chile's reports to the Convention Follow-up Mechanism, the hemispheric reports of the Third Evaluation Round, as well as the recommendations made by the Committee of Experts of the Mechanism. Rights are considered in principle and in policy, which has made it possible to identify the country's progress in terms of its response to violence against women, such as having specific legislation and a national plan, but especially the aspects of improvement, such as the incorporation of an intersectional approach, increasing the budget for this area or improving the training of judicial personnel.


Violence against women, Belém do Pará Convention, Evaluation, Chile, Human rights

Author Biography

Tatiana Rein Venegas, Universidad de Chile

Profesora asistente y coordinadora de asuntos internacionales, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile. Doctora en Ciencia Política, University of Essex, Reino Unido. Abogada, Magíster en Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile.


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