Paris Agreement: New environmental commitments or new business opportunities?


  • Simone Di Pietro Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador


In November 2015 it took place in Paris the COP21, last milestone of a series of climate negotiations since the creation of the UNFCC, aim to limit global warming and reduce anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases in the Earth system. As a result of the meeting, the “parts” of the conference, the countries, reached an agreement that should take effect from 2020, coinciding with the decline of the Kyoto Protocol. This article aims to highlight once again the inadequacy of the agreements reached regarding their chances of achieving the expected results, then the lack of success of previous agreements character. It is to highlight the need for drastic decisions break with the past, as the only way able to reorganize society so that it is sustainable from the planet and in social relations among peoples. For this reason, it makes a small historical review of the violence associated with capitalism in its colonizers and exploiters of resources acts and forth now examine the philosophical proposals of several authors to reorganize the companies from other paradigms, finding obstacles and advantages to perform such processes.


Paris Agreement, Global Warming, Kyoto Protocol, Climate Change