El Congo a partir de Mobutu


  • Richard Gott


On November 25, 1965, Joseph Mobutu overthrew Moise Tshombe, ushering in a new era in Congolese affairs. Towards the end of 1966, General Mobutu proceeded to provoke a confrontation with the Union Minière mining company. During the year and a half that it has been in power in the Congo, Africa has seen many changes, but the Congo remains one of the few African countries of true international importance, due to its size, resources and geographical position. His regime has brought stability to the Congo, while eliminating the opposition, attacking the problem of tribalism, damaging the power of once gigantic economic and financial interests, reestablishing the influence of his country in the concert of African countries and uniting the Soviet Union and the United States in its support.


Congo, Joseph Mobutu, Africa, Union Minière, Belgium

Author Biography

Richard Gott

Es profesor-investigador sobre asuntos de Africa y el Medio Oriente en el Instituto de Estudios Internacionales y director de Estudios Internacionales. Durante varios años fue investigador del Royal Institute of  International Affairs de Londres. Entre sus publicaciones más importantes está The appeasers, sobre la política exterior británica antes de Munich, de la que es coautor.