La pendiente de la dependencia : una visión desde afuera


  • Arnold van Niekerk


Thanks to the recent publication in Europe of André Gunder Frank's work: "Capitalism and underdevelopment in Latin America", new horizons are opened that allow us to recognize the universality of underdevelopment that unites peripheral countries and makes them lose their individuality due to the effect leveling the exploitation and imperialism exercised by the central governing countries. The truth is that the sociology of knowledge has come to demonstrate that the characteristics of a continent such as Latin America originate less from a supposed regional particularity than from the insufficiency of communication systems and knowledge acquisition processes. The intention of this work is not to thwart an intellectual effort that has allowed a new way of seeing and understanding the Latin American reality, If not rather to point out its limitations as a theory.


Dependency Theory, Capitalism and Underdevelopment, Latin America, Sociology, Political Economy

Author Biography

Arnold van Niekerk

Es investigador del Instituto Interuniversitario de Estudios y Documentación Latinoamericanos de Holanda. Es autor de dos obras: "Sociología en sociale verandering in Latijns Amerika"; y "Populism and political development in Latin America", de próxima aparición.