Relaciones económicas entre América Latina y Estados Unidos : implicaciones y perspectivas políticas


  • Aníbal Pinto


The first part of this paper reviews the changes or evolution of opinions held in Latin America and the United States regarding the reciprocal meaning of their economic ties, to contrast them in the second part with objective antecedents on those ties, taking as a starting point only the mutant, more or less official point of view of the United States. We maintain that there is a growing weakness and imbalance in their economic relations to the detriment of Latin America. The third part tries to analyze, against the background of the preceding sections, some main elements to evaluate the possibilities of conflict or détente in the relations of the two areas.


Latin America, United States, International Economic Relations, Trade Balance, Commodities

Author Biography

Aníbal Pinto

Profesor de la Escuela de Economía de la Universidad de Chile y de ESCOLATINA; fundador y ex director de la revista "Panorama económico". Entre sus libros figuran. "Chile, un caso de desarrollo frustrado"; "Distribución del ingreso en América Latina" y "Tres ensayos sobre Chile y América Latina"; autor de numerosos artículos, es director de la División de Desarrollo Económico de la CEPAL.