¿Economía o economía política?


  • Flavián Levine Bawden


The predominant orientation in economic studies tends to place them almost on the fringes of the humanistic sciences, in its effort to assimilate them to the natural sciences. The fact is a direct consequence of the replacement of what was called "political economy", by the new economy; and it’s so dry that it is necessary to ponder if it does not tend to a sterilizing preciosity. The change in name is not a trivial event: it reflects a profound change in attitude. The relative disinterest in institutional and organizational aspects in contemporary economic studies is a disturbing fact. There is a risk of a lack of contact with the most urgent social problems.


Economics, Political Economy, Economic Theory, Social Sciences, Democracy

Author Biography

Flavián Levine Bawden

Ex profesor de teoría económica de la Universidad de Chiie y exvicepresidente de la Compañía Chilena de Acero del Pacífico (CAP).