Productive internationalization is the organization by an economic agent of production across national borders. The main agents of productive internationalization are transnational companies, mainly those that have their strategic decision centers in developed countries with market economies, but also those whose central management is in developing countries and countries with centrally planned economies that operate internationally. This paper analyzes productive internationalization promoted by private agents and the case of transnational companies from developed countries. We maintain that productive internationalization has important effects both on the structure and dynamism of various aspects of the international economy, as well as on the countries in which they operate, and that it affects directly productive processes at the national and international level and financial flows and capital, as well as international trade.
Productive Internationalization, Productive Process, Transnational Companies, International Economy, Developed Countries
Author Biography
Eugenio Lahera, CEPAL
Experto de CEPAL. Especialista en empresas transnacionales.
Lahera, E. (1984). La internacionalización del proceso productivo. Estudios Internacionales, 17(65), p. 160–166.