This paper analyzes the validity and perspectives of regional limitation and disarmament agreements and proposes an alternative solution for their study and research. The emphasis has been placed on the possibilities of launching the recent proposal by Peruvian President Alan García, continuing the Declaration of Ayacucho, rescuing his achievements, updating his lessons and thus trying to develop an initiative for South America. To this end, the following topics are explored: the modern meaning of security; a procedure for cost reduction; regional antecedents for reducing military spending; the case of Central America and the Caribbean; the Alan García proposal and an approach to developing the García initiative.
Latin America and the Caribbean, Regional Agreements, Security, Borders and Disarmament, Alan García, Declaration of Ayacucho
Author Biography
Edgardo Mercado Jarrín, Instituto Peruano de Estudios Geoestratégicos
Militar peruano. Ministro de relaciones exteriores (1968-1971). Primer ministro y ministro de guerra (1973-1975). Experto en geopolítica y problemas de seguridad nacional. Director del Instituto Peruano de Estudios Geo-estratégicos.
Mercado Jarrín, E. (1987). Perspectivas de los acuerdos de limitación y desarme en América Latina y el Caribe. Estudios Internacionales, 20(77), p. 39–69.