The purpose of this work is to establish the connections and limits that social and economic phenomena operate on the democratic regime. The economic situation that we are going through in recent years is marked by external debt and inflation, has become part of the economic and social structure towards the next decade. They mark the limits of economic development, but should not mark the limits of political development. If the transition from democracy is assumed as a condition to democracy as a necessity and as a possibility, if a political culture strengthens the proper use of the rules, it is not improbable that a political system freed from its own burdens will effectively contribute to solving a very dramatic economic situation. In such a case, democracy may also appear as a condition for its resolution.
Democratic Regimes, External Debt and Inflation, Latin America, Political Culture, Political System
Author Biography
Francisco Delich
Ex secretario ejecutivo de CLACSO y rector de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.
Delich, F. (1985). De la democracia como necesidad a la democracia como condición. Estudios Internacionales, 18(71), p. 370–381.