Los márgenes de hegemonía internacional de Estados Unidos : una visión histórica


  • Luis Maira


Latin America is located in the most direct area of influence of the United States. Therefore, the modifications in the hegemonic capacity of the power that determine our spaces of international power and negotiation more directly than any other are an element whose exact elucidation constitutes a matter of first importance. The history of relations between the United States and Latin America, moreover, confirms the fact that in the planning of international aspects that are carried out in Washington they are particularly sensitive and take very directly into account, when adopting decisions of external impact , the margins that their international activity finds at any given time.


United States, Hegemony, International System, Latin America, Foreign Policy

Author Biography

Luis Maira

Investigador del Centro Latinoamericano de Economía y Política Internacional (Islas Clepi), Chile. Ex director del Instituto de Estudios de los Estados Unidos