De una inserción a otra : política exterior de Chile, 1966-1991


  • Joaquín Fermandois Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile


This paper analyzes the evolution of Chile's foreign policy in the last 25 years, describing the principles that have guided its actions in different governments and in accordance with the international reality of each moment. In that quarter of a century, Chile has gone through a stage of unusual international prominence, an equally unprecedented diplomatic and political isolation, to finally try to rediscover a new point of balance that does justice to its tradition, to the lessons of that trajectory and to the new realities of the end of the century and allow a successful international reintegration.


Chile, Foreign Policy, International Insertion, Diplomacy, International System

Author Biography

Joaquín Fermandois, Instituto de Estudios Internacionales, Universidad de Chile

Profesor del Instituto de Estudios Internacionales.  Ha publicado libros y artículos sobre historia de las relaciones internacionales e historia de las ideas políticas.