El Cono Sur latinoamericano y la Iniciativa para las Américas


  • Francisco Rojas Aravena


The changes that have occurred in various parts of the world in recent years have meant a profound transformation in the international system. In current processes, not only security issues are involved. At the same time, the great changes in Latin America –economic and political openness– make it necessary to seek new forms of cooperation, especially with the hemispheric power. For all the above, a pattern of associative relationship must be generated to face the challenges, reconciling interests and defining spaces for cooperation. In this context, and in response to the creation of commercial blocks, the Americas Initiative is located. This paper explains what it consists of, what it represents for the United States, and the difficulties it has faced since its formulation. Finally, reference is made to the Latin American reaction, to conclude with the factors that have reduced the political weight of the Initiative, leaving it subordinate to NAFTA.


Latin America, Southern Cone, United States, Cooperation, Americas Initiative

Author Biography

Francisco Rojas Aravena

Master en ciencias políticas, especialista en relaciones internacionales.  Coordinador adjunto del área de relaciones internacionales y militares de FLACSO-Chile. Publicó recientemente América Latina y la Iniciativa para las Américas, (Santiago: FLACSO, 1993).  Entre sus publicaciones sobre Centroamérica, se destacan: ¿Súbditos o aliados?  La política exterior de Estados Unidos en Centroamérica, coautor con Luis Guillermo Solís, (Porvenir: Costa Rica, 1989) y Costa Rica en el sistema internacional, (Caracas: Nuevas Sociedad, 1990).