Ajustes e integración : la experiencia española de los años ochenta.


  • Miguel A. Fernández Ordóñez


To try to learn lessons from the Spanish process, it is necessary to understand that the experience of this country in the eighties is unrepeatable due to historical and geographical factors. However, there are aspects that, without being singular or unique, can still be imitated. From this perspective, and with the understanding that not all its problems have been solved, this paper explains the keys to Spain's economic success: the adjustment policies applied, the accession to the European Economic Community, the favorable international environment and the economic and political heritage. It is concluded that the economic policy applied by this country is ultimately the easiest to copy and the least original of the Spanish case.


Spain, Economic Adjustment, Integration, Economic Policy, Economic Liberalization

Author Biography

Miguel A. Fernández Ordóñez

Ex ministro de Asuntos Exteriores de España, fallecido recientemente.