La política del enfrentamiento : la Intifada, entre violencia y negociaciones


  • Mario Snajder Instituto Truman para el Avance de la Paz, Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalem


Since the end of September 2000, Israelis and Palestinians have faced a new sequence of violence, periodically tinged with attempts to establish a ceasefire and negotiate a way out of the confrontation, as a prologue to a possible return to peace negotiations. Rivers of ink have been poured on this sequence of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and the images communicated through the electronic press have generated many opinions, without, in general, placing too much emphasis on the analysis and understanding of the factors that make up the problem. In these pages, we present a critical and analytical view of the events, providing elements that may contribute to a better understanding of the processes that this part of the Middle East conflict is experiencing.


Middle East, Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Intifada, Violence, Peace Negotiations

Author Biography

Mario Snajder, Instituto Truman para el Avance de la Paz, Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalem

Profesor Asociado del Departamento de Ciencia Política e Investigador Asociado del Instituto Truman para el Avance de la Paz, de la Universidad Hebrea de Jerusalem.