During the last forty years the Latin American economic panorama has changed remarkably. The economic debates of the time focused on issues that today seem irrelevant or simply exotic. Despite the changes in economic vision and policies in the last forty years, achieving a sustainably high growth rate continues to be an elusive goal in Latin America, although since 2004 there has been a significant economic recovery. Is Latin America finally experiencing the economic takeoff that has so far been so elusive? Are we at the dawn of a new era? Is this the beginning, perhaps, of the "decade of Latin America"? These are the topics that this article addresses.
Latin America, Economic Growth, Economic Crisis, Macroeconomic Stability, Economic Policy
Author Biography
Sebastián Edwards
Economista; profesor de la cátedra Henry Ford II de economía internacional en la UCLA; coeditor del Journal of Development Economics; sus artículos aparecen en diversos diarios y publicaciones especializadas.
Edwards, S. (2006). Internacionalización y política económica en América Latina. Estudios Internacionales, 39(154), p. 79–88. https://doi.org/10.5354/0719-3769.2006.14473