The Monstrous Affective Circuit in Nona Fernández's Mapocho and Alia Trabucco's La Resta



This article advances a reading of two different affective economies —linked to fear and the monstrous, respectively— in the Chilean post-dictatorship novels Mapocho, by Nona Fernández, and La resta, by Alia Trabucco. My hypothesis is that, in the case of Mapocho, we find an affective circuit related to eschatology/scatology that pushes to access the national imaginary and subvert the discourse of official history dominated by hygienism. Similarly, in La resta an enlightened affective circuit is linked to a mathematical discourse that is strained an re-affected. Moreover, in both works the individual political subject immersed in the affective circuit of fear is unsettled by monstrous, spectral, and animalized figurations that blur its predications.


Chilean fiction, Affects, Affective circuit, Monstrous, Post-dictatorship


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