Saint Joseph was extremely popular in New Spain but he hadn’t always been such a well defined and revered character. During premodernity his already imperceptible character in the canonical Scriptures was altered and certain apocryphal and legendary sources were exploited to create a negative version of the Patriarch. For this reason, when Sor Juana composed her set of villancicos to celebrate the Saint, she had many themes that she could take advantage of: the premodern legendary ones and those related to his reinvented figure. By means of an analysis of the carols to celebrate the Saint in 1690, the fusions of these two traditions are identified to underline the liberties that the Tenth Muse took when she composed this set of carols.
Sor Juana, carols, Saint Joseph, New Spain, Baroque celebration
Rice, R. A. (2019). The acknowledgment of Saint Joseph in the early Modern period: Sor Juana’s carols (1690) for the Cathedral of Puebla. Revista Chilena De Literatura, (99), pp. 341–366. Retrieved from
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