El Timeo de Platón: reflexiones sobre la trama gramatical y lingüística de su texto y las complejidades de su interpretación y traducción


  • Óscar Velásquez Departamento de Filosofía, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad de Chile


The Timaeus, the only Plato's text preserved in Latin during the Middle Ages, and whose especial doctrinal and stylistic characteristics are weíi known, is analysed here in relation to some aspects of its complex structure fiom a grammatical as much as stylistic point of view. It appears to be in this case a close relation between the ordering of the language and the conceptual conltent of the work; and reasons are given to make manifest the linguistic relationship in the Timaeus between the difficulty of the theme and the structural complexities of its prose. The philological consequances of the God-World philosophical subject are pointed out, a matter that Plato expresses throaigh the rich arsenal of participial forms of the Greek language. It is in the use of the participle (and specially in the Timaeus) where the Greek prose seems to reach one of iis superior heights. Two another particular cases of syntactisal and gramatical consltmction are likewise analysed, viz. one of greatest terseness md one in which the use of the optative makes possible to disclose a nuance that it looks like passed unnoticed to the ingenuity of scholars.    


Plato, styla, Greek participle, Platonic syntax