The tragic knowledge: elements of Jaspers thought in Euripides’ The Bacchae


  • Rodrigo Carrasco Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación


Our intention is to recognize how the reaches of Karl Jaspers’ thought regarding the tragic and tragic knowledge are present in Euripides tragedy The Bacchae, the greatest piece where the tragic conflict also becomes a conflict of realities, of existences, of provided by the enigmatic god Dionysus and of the enigmatic “triumph” over the tragic that is shown or tries to show.


the tragedy, the tragic, tragic knowledge, The Bacchae, Dionysus

Author Biography

Rodrigo Carrasco, Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación

Correspondencia: Rodrigo Carrasco Peralta   Email:
Licenciado en Educación y Magister en Estudios Clásicos, UMCE. Diplomado en Estudios Griegos, en Pensamiento Griego Clásico y en Estudios Bizantinos, U. de Chile.